Originally released in April, 1993.
Anyone else out there have to chuckle a little bit when they see this cover art? Velveeta cheesy! This book in the Fear Street series is not scary in the least. But it is still good. Poor Carter is being blackmailed by Adam and it's a nightmare for her. But really, she seemed to enjoy herself around Adam, so I couldn't fully understand why she didn't just try to make it work. Still, blackmail is never okay, and it is quite scary in this story. I also noticed how involved Carter's parents seemed to be in her life, for two people that left her to fend for herself all of the time. There's also a minor theme of class wars in this book, which I thought was interesting to see. The ending was a bit of a stretch to believe, but was a total surprise, so bonus points for that. A good Fear Street book, where the characters all got what they deserved!
Fear Rating: 1 out of 3 Screams
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