The first thing I noticed was that like her first book, this was again about a mysterious girl and a man out to find her. Oh how I love stories like this! I just can't get enough of guys tortured by the girl that got away. The pain of wanting and having loved these women is completely romantic. The second thing I noticed is Emily's signature calm and poetic writing. Her sentences always seem to lure me into a sense of peacefulness, even with tense scenes. Reading her work is very comfortable!
The book is divided into three parts, and where the first part caught my full attention, the middle began to lose me a bit. I was still interested in the fate of the characters I was reading about (especially Gavin and Anna) but I think too many other characters were the focus of the second section and didn't appeal to me. The ending was both rewarding and shocking. I wished the climax had actually happened earlier in the book, so that we could watch the characters move forward with their lives afterward longer than we did. In this case, that was the more intriguing element for me.
Emily St. John is proving herself to be a master of writing about people pushed to the brink by desperation. I look forward to seeing what she has for us next.
Overall Rating: 3 Stars