Originally released in May, 1994.
This flashback doubles as a Friday the 13th spook fest! THE THRILL CLUB is in my top 10 favorite Fear Street books. I thought the story was fairly original. Don't want to give away too many spoilers, but it involves a mysterious cassette tape (!) and some chanting. And the things poor Talia had to go through! I'd like to think she could have put two and two together after her friends started dying according to her stories, but hey. I can look past that little detail for now. Perhaps it was the thought of a private little club of your friends that was being tortured by all of these bad things happening to the members that was so spooky. This story could have easily gone on for another 150 pages and still been as interesting. Sequel please, Mr. Stine?
Fear Rating: 3 out of 3 Screams
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