Thursday, November 4, 2010

My First Love by Callie West

Amy Wyse lives with her busy mom and her busy schedule. It is her junior year of school and she is studying for the SATs, getting involved in tons of extra-curricular activities, and working hard to keep her grades as high as possible. There is no room for boyfriends in her life. But all that changes when in a moment when her long time friend unexpectedly kisses her. To add to this unknown territory, Amy realizes she is not attracted to her friend, but rather to Chris Shepherd from swim team. As luck would have it, he is interested in her too, and a relationship soon blossoms. However, spending time with Chris means Amy is spending less time on her school work, and her grades start to slip. Amy needs to quickly figure out how to balance these new feelings with her already full life if she wants to continue to succeed!

This novel is short in length, and I read it in one sitting. The first thing I did when I finished was close my eyes and revel in the romance. SO ROMANTIC! It only took a few pages for me to fully dive into the plot. Chris is completely dreamy. The perfect balance of bad boy and total gentleman. Amy is very easy to identify with. Callie West writes a raw teen voice complete with confusion and hope. The details in her mom being both a comfort to her and a burden on her existence will ring true for many readers. It may even help teens cope with the stress of wanting it all in high school - the great boyfriend, the sports super-star, and the college career. Though readers may be disappointed with the sudden ending, this is a tender-hearted book sure to speak to every girl out there who's ever been in love before.

Overall Rating: 4 Stars

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